SATToSE is the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution. Its 12th edition will take place in Bolzano (Italy) on July 8-10, 2019. Past editions of SATToSE saw presentations on software visualisation techniques, tools for co-evolving various software artefacts, their consistency management, runtime adaptability and context-awareness, as well as empirical results about software evolution. SATToSE will host invited talks, paper presentations, tutorials, and a hackathon, fostering interactions among participants and stimulating lively debates and discussions around the topics of interest of the event. We expect attendees to be active participants and not just passive listeners. Presenters should be open to and encourage questions and discussions during their talks.
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The goal of SATToSE is to gather both undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, improve their communication skills, attend and contribute technology showdown and hackathons.
This year's SATToSE is co-located with the International Summer School on Software Engineering that is organised yearly by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. The summer school features international speakers, and will be help from July 10th to July 12th. Find more information at: []
The proceedings of SATToSE 2019 are now online!. The proceedings were published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, and are available here: [].
Important Dates
Abstract submission | April 30, 2019 AoE |
Paper submission | May 6, 2019 AoE |
Notification of acceptance | May 27, 2019 |
Registration deadline | June 15, 2019 |
SATToSE Seminar | July 8-10, 2019 |
SESchool 2019 (colocated) | July 10-12, 2019 |
To access the registration site, click here. The registration fee is 250 euros. As SATToSE is co-located with the SESchool, it is possible to attend both events for a reduced price (300 euros for both events, including an additional social event).
Invited Speakers
- Massimiliano di Penta: Empirical evaluation in 2020: how big, how beautiful?
- Prem Devanbu: Naturalness of software: New Theory, New Applications
In addition, SESchool will provide tutorials by the following speakers:
- Anne Etien: Software analysis with Moose.
- Diomidis Spinellis: Analysis of software evolution with Git
- Mircea Lungu: Analytics for Software Ecosystems
- Massimiliano di Penta: Beyond Mining Software Repositories
Reaching the Venue:
Reaching the University:
Reaching the rooms (D1.03, C1.01):


Accepted papers:
- Migrating GWT to Angular 6 using MDE (Benoît Verhaeghe, Nicolas Anquetil, Stéphane Ducasse, Abderrahmane Seriai, Laurent Deruelle and Mustapha Derras)
- Lessons and Pitfalls in Building Firefox with Tup (Guillaume Maudoux and Kim Mens)
- A Language-Parametric Modular Framework for Mining Idiomatic Code Patterns (Dario Di Nucci, Hoang Son Pham, Johan Fabry, Coen De Roover, Kim Mens, Tim Molderez, Siegfried Nijssen and Vadim Zaytsev)
- COOP - automatiC validatiOn of evOlving microservice comPositions (Olga Groh, Harun Baraki, Alexander Jahl and Kurt Geihs)
- Structural and Behavioral Taxonomies of Design Pattern Grime Evolution (Clemente Izurieta, Derek Reimanis, Isaac Griffith and Travis Schanz)
- Towards Automated Merging of Code Clones in Object-Oriented Programming Languages (Simon Baars and Ana Oprescu)
- A Context and Feature Visualisation Tool for a Feature-Based Context-Oriented Programming Language (Benoît Duhoux, Kim Mens, Bruno Dumas and Hoo Sing Leung)
- Towards a naming quality model (Sander Meester, Sanne Bouwmeester and Ana Maria Oprescu)
- Work in progress towards consistency management for industrial model-based development (Robbert Jongeling)
- Investigating Developer Perception on Test Smells Using Better Code Hub (Martin Schvarcbacher, Davide Spadini, Magiel Bruntink and Ana Oprescu)
- The Relation between Software Maintainability and Issue Resolution Time: A Replication Study (Joren Wijnmaalen)
- Code Quality Metrics for the Functional Side of the Object-Oriented Language C# (Bart Zuilhof, Rinse van Hees and Clemens Grelck)
- Establishing benchmarks for learning program representations (Anjan Karmakar)
On Wednesday, there will be a shared Hackathon between SATToSE and SESchool. The topic is a surprise! :-)
Travel and accommodation
The website of the SESchool has more information on travel and accommodation:
In general, it is recommended to fly to a nearby airport (Verona, Bologna, Innsbruck, Venice, Bergamo, Milan, Munich, Rome), and continue by train or bus.
- General Chair
- Romain Robbes, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
- Program Chair
- Anne Etien, University of Lille, France.
- Hackathon Chair
- Andrea Janes, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
- Steering Committee
Call for Papers
Topics of Interest
Contributions are solicited on all aspects of software and model evolution, practices, and technologies. In particular, we encourage submissions about the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:
- Supporting tools, processes, and models for managing software evolution
- Industrial needs, case studies and experiences
- Software analytics and visualisation techniques to support software evolution
- Empirical studies in evolution and maintenance
- Program transformation, refactoring, renovation, and migration
- Program and/or data reverse engineering
- Evolution of data-intensive or process-intensive systems
- Approaches of model-driven software evolution
- Software evolution for emerging paradigms
- Coupled evolution of meta-models, models, and transformations
- Classification of evolution scenarios
- Reliability and security aspects of software evolution
- Negative research results in software evolution
- Software ecosystem evolution
- Formalisms, notations, theories, methods, and languages for expressing software evolution
- Conformance checking, inconsistency management, synchronisation, differencing, comparison, versioning, impact analysis of evolving models
Types of Submission
We solicit extended abstracts of 2–10 pages, in one of the following forms:
- Work in Progress: Early ideas and achievements that you want to share with the community and get feedback on.
- Publication Summaries: Overview of research results already published or ready to be submitted to a conference or a journal.
- Technology Showdown Demonstrations: Technical explanation of important features of your framework, library or tool.
Contributions are managed through EasyChair. Please submit your paper using the following link:
Please adhere to this latex style, two column style (paper2p.tex and twocolpceurws.sty). This format is compatible with the the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Presentation and Publication
All submissions will be reviewed and screened for scope and compatibility by the program committee, which will provide feedback for improving the abstract and preparing the talk. All contributions accepted for presentation will receive 10–30 minutes during the event for presentation and discussion. Submitters will also be offered the opportunity to receive feedback and guidance to improve their submission towards a formally published paper, in a SATToSE post-proceedings issue of an open access journal.
Program Committee
- Alexandre Bergel
- Kim Mens
- Coen De Roover
- Davide Di Ruscio
- Marianne Huchard
- Gregorio Robles
- Ralf Lämmel
- Eleni Constantinou
- André Hora
- Andrea Janes